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German Games Day Review (Late but not tooooo late :D)

Hey Guys,

The German Gamesday 2013 is over. And sadly i was too slow to write a Blogpost faster ^^ daaaamn so sorry for my reeeally late German Gamesday review. It was a really nice time with my nerdy friends and new ones i got to know.

I want to give you my impressions and feelings about the Gamesday this year. I didn't take photos, but i will share the awesome photos of some friends. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 1

So here is my little Gamesday Diary :)

Dear diary...


My Gamesday weekend starts at 08:43 o'clock on Friday on the central station in Tuttlingen. Then the journey of about 6 hours by train to Philip from MassiveVoodoo in cologne began. Philip, Rafaele (Volomir) and Elias (from SCALE75) already paint their projects when i arrived.

Friday was absolutely awesome! The spanish guys are very nice and funny people and i'm glad to met this two guys "What is your favorite food?..." (sorry for this insider ^^). It was a nice evening and we had a lot of fun, during painting, talking and watching the painting DVD from (Volomir live and on DVD at the SAME time is really funny! He is like the Duracel Rabbit of an old TV commerzial spot full of energy and singing, talking all the time and always try to talk german :D i really love this men :)!)


Roman, Raffa, Bene and Valerie from Massive Voodoo arrived and after some talking and the awesome cooked lasagne from Philip all except Philip and Volomir went to the Mercure Hotel to meet and talk with all guys after the Gamesday Paintersdinner.


We arrived the Gamesday at 11 o'clock on Sunday, because we decide to slept a little bit longer.


This year Gamesworkshop chose to try something different. Super specialized and with 2500 limited GD Tickets for 50€ instead of ~30€. Result ~1100 People who visited the Gamesday instead of around the planed 2500 who is wondering about this? So what spezial did the peoples got for their tickets compare to the last year?

For shure a little bit more room at the whole Gamesday and shorter lines at Forgeworld because one third of the usuall visitors. But nothing else!

Ok so for what you should go to a Gamesday? For me it is the best hobbyweekend with a miniature paintingcompetition (compare to Duke of Bavaria, Scale Modell Challenge or Kulmbach) ! Awesome people from all over the world are talking about one topic and have a lot of fun together. I'm in love with the Gamesday and next year (when it will give a next year) I will go definitely again.

This was my entry for this year Single Categorie Warhammer 40k and it won silver :D WUUUHUUU

A Legion Praetor from Forgeworld from Blood Angels. The title was "No place is without hope" and i try to realize this with the destroyed and dark street look and the flower which comes out on a small area in front of the Space Marine.

I would be really happy if you vote for this project on Putty&Paint and coolminiornot :D

Follow the links :)



Ok what's with my plans for the next year? Until now, EVERY YEAR the same problem! Four weeks before GD the big stress starts. I heared from a lot of people that they get always the same problem so i'm not alone :). But what i will do now? Only to say "The next time I will definitely start earlier!" is a illusion because mostly it doesn't work. 
My problem the last years always was that i said "I will paint this figure" three months later the next cool miniature comes out than "ooooh this is much better, i will paint this one now" and so on and on and on.
So i decide to fix my planed miniatures for the next year NOW. I still wrote a list with all wished projects, in my mind every project gets a concept and in the next days i will bring all of them on paper. I hope that this is MY key to bring some structure in my future Gamesday projects.

- define your list with ALL miniatures (no matter what comes out four weeks or months before the competition!)
- bring your ideas on paper with enough space to add new ideas during the planning phase
- tell a few good friends or competitors your plans
- switch between the projects (don't paint only on ONE project at the same time, so you will not be bored of an project)

Thats my four points i will try. I hope it works :D

Here a view congrats and thank you

> Thank you very much Philip from Massive Voodoo for the nice weekend and the accommodation! 

> Many thanks to Rafaele (Volomir) and Elias (SCALE75) for the last tips relation to my space marine base you both are awesome! 

>Thank you all for the nice words about my silver entry!   

> Congratulation to all winners especially to Roman Lappat from Massive Voodoo. The sword is really deserved no matter what some unfriendly losers said!

Cheers Manu