
Finally finished projects

Hello my friends  chamber kids and brush licker . Had been a long time that I posted something here this is because I didn`t do so much this year and my old problem taking photos of my Minis.

Two months ago me and my loves ( which are my girlfriend and my cat ) moved into a new house because the old one had been sold by the owner  . The old wooden farm house we lived in was in bad shape which you can`t see on the next photo but believe me it was .If this gives you an idea , it had been an  awesome reference for old rotten wood which barely hold its structure.

What you can see is me while I taking a smoke but I think everybody who knows me can`t remember a situation in which I don`t do so .

So bla bla bla ... had been sad after 9 years ......so much memories   .... it was beauty "sniff".

But in the end we found something equal or even better which is now that.       


Pretty awesome I think .
After we finished moving I just can say it is better to be a hunter than a collector it had been a pain in the ass moving all this resin , metal , plastic stuff.
But stopp crying little baby cause as a miniature nerd I was able with  a little argumentation to reserve me my pretty shinny new hobby room and start to plan and install the brand new miniature manufactory.

At this time it was like : "this is gonna be so awesome , on the left I will do all the dirty work like preparing the miniature and build bases and afterwards I roll to the right and do the priming and other airbrush work and at least I head to the center and do all the rest of magic to my projects while watching the alps . And everything will be awesome and well organised .All the old projects will be finished .
But guess what .Yes I did nothing , the desk is already a mess and I still stuggeling with the old problems , forcing contrast and trying to understand how to paint all this freaky surfaces on a mini. Anyway,it  is still a fun hobby and I am not completely hopeless to get better , maybe in future .

This morning it looked like this

And here is a view into the cabinet of shame 
You see still a lot do .

But I also finished some stuff and I was also able to take a bunch of blurry photos  of older finished projects which you gonna see in a second from new to the older ones.

By the way I don`t know what is wrong with this photography shit , I can`t do it ??

 Hello Lady if got there something and it itches and wanna ask you for support ??

 Daa..daa ...daa..daa  BATMAN!!!

 For the Emperor


If you wanna see more photos just klick the links below.

And like always ,feel free to comment and don`t be shy , if you don`t wanna pet my belly I like you boys and girls anyway  ,maybe  ;-)

Carol the Nurse 


Tuskars zweites Wikinger Langschiff

Hallo Freunde des Bastelns und Malens,

lang, lang ist es her, daß ich für meinen lieben Freund Michel zum ersten Mal so ein Revell Wikingerschiff gebastelt und bemalt habe. Wegen diesem Projekt bin ich auch ein Fan von SAGA geworden und habe noch in der gleichen Woche in der ich die "Seeschlange" fertig gestellt hatte, einen Bausatz für mich gekauft.

Für die "Sturmkrähe" habe ich einen anderen Ansatz verfolgt. Ich wollte den Rumpf ohne Base auf dem Spieltisch aufliegen haben. Außerdem sollte das Schiff nicht unter vollem Segel daher rauschen, sondern zum Landgang meiner Wikinger aufgeräumt sein. Das bedeutete den Rumpf akkurater als beim ersten Mal abzuschneiden.
Ich habe den Rumpf zunächst zusammen gebaut und dann den Kiel und ein bisschen von den Planken mit dem Bandschleifer glattgeschliffen. Das war wesentlich einfacher und schneller als die beiden Schiffshälften auf der richtigen Höhe abzusägen.
Einer meiner Krieger aus der Plastikbox wurde kurzerhand zum Steuermann befördert. Das gibt dem ganzen Modell noch ein bisschen Dynamik. Auch wenn man ihn später nicht mehr herunter nehmen kann, sieht das Schiff so einfach kompletter aus.
Auch bei der "Sturmkrähe" - ihr werdet gleich sehen warum ich das Schiff so getauft habe - verzichtete ich auf den orginal Bug- und Heckschmuck aus dem Bausatz.
Für den oben erwähnten, aufgeräumten Zustand des Schiffes, musste ich natürlich auch das Segel zusammen rollen.
Da das Segel aus dem Bausatz aber ein grosses Stück Plastik ist, habe ich aus einem Papiertuch und Takelgarn vom Modellbaufachgeschäft, selbst eines gebastelt. Das ganze habe ich mit verdünntem Bastelleim fixiert und über Nacht gut durchtrocknen lassen.
Danach ging es dann an die Bemalung, aber das zeige ich Euch im nächsten Artikel.

Bis dahin verbastelte und verpinselte Grüsse!


4. Malkränzchen XL - Review

Am 06.08. war es soweit, das 4. Malkränzchen XL hat statt gefunden. 19 Malwütige sind der Einladung gefolgt.

Kurz vor 10 Uhr war ich schon an der Location und wurde wie immer schon von dern ersten Teilnehmern erwartet (ich sollte wohl noch früher los in Zukunft *g*)

Aufgemacht, all meinen Kram runter getragen (danke an die Helfer) und dann haben wir uns häuslich eingerichtet für den Tag. Innerhalb der nächsten Stunde haben sich dann auch die meisten eingefunden. Tolle Sache das dieses mal viele neue Gesichter dabei waren, ebenso ein Vater & Sohn Gespann.

Ein paar Impressionen des Tages.

Wie man sieht wurde viel gemalt, von Spielfiguren über Projekte für die Vitrine und sogar 2D. Es wurde sogar ein bischen gespielt :-)

Wir hatten alle sehr viel Spaß und hoffen das auch beim nächsten Malkränzchen XL wieder viele dabei sind :-)


Golden Vinci 2016 - English Rules

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von:

The first half of the year is over but the Golden Vinci must not miss in the year :). Therefore we prowdly announce the 5th. Golden Vinci in 2016.

Again in the sponsoring team are Tabletop Insider and Brückenkopf-Online, Putty & Paint the Big Panda V Hobbyshop and CrazyWenky.de.Thanks for your trust and support.

Golden Vinci 2012
Golden Vinci 2013
Golden Vinci 2014 
Golden Vinci 2015

The Golden Vinci 2016 starts at 01.06.2016. Detailed Information follows right below :-)

We are already excited what beautiful contributions you'll be able to accomplish in one of the following  categories:

The Categories

Single Miniature:
The category single miniature is for figures up to 32mm (Models like ogres are ALSO part of this category, even if their actual size is more than 32mm). Your mini can stand on a normal or a scenic base (But diorama like bases, which set the miniature in the background or be a huge part of your project, will be moved to the Open category by us).

There where always questions about mounted models. In the single miniature category only horses, cold ones, boars are allowed. Pegasi, dragons, manticores or war chariots etc. will be part of the Monster category.

Here is the place of all your big guys. Monsters of all kinds from Fantasy to Science Fiction or other. Even monsters riding on a monster are allowed.

Large Scale Models / Busts:
This category applies to figures larger than 32mm and busts.

Everything with wheels, tracks, armor plates and wings - if they're mechanical.

This is the place for all the goodies which don't fit in the other categories. Like dioramas, whole units or something like that.

How can I participate?

If you like to participate in our contest, you must be a follower of our blog.

It is possible to participate in more than on category, but you're only allowed to contribute in a category once. There is a maximum of three contributions in total.

We primarily judge the painting of your contribution - 'cause this is a painting contest - but over all idea, atmosphere and basing are part of it.

Sending us pictures of your project is a concluding agreement we (dieVincis) and our media partners allowed to show these in context with this competition.

Deadline of the competition is 01. November 2016 23:59 CET

How to send my pictures?

Please take a minimum of 3 to max.5 pictures from different angles. Keep in mind not to extend the size of your pictures over 1.5MB.

Please make also sure you keep some of the higher quality files stocked at home, because our media partner Tabletop Insider will need those for publishing.

Send your pictures at competition[at]dievincis.de there must be your name and the matching category of your contribution in this e-mail.

Please send separate e-mails for your different contribution naming them with matching title in the subject line.

Golden Vinci 2016 Single Miniatur
Golden Vinci 2016 Large - Busts
Golden Vinci 2016 Monster
Golden Vinci 2016 Vehicle
Golden Vinci 2016 Open

For example: Golden Vinci 2016  Vehicle - Königstiger

At least one of the pictures must show your miniature with the original vinci competition label with your name.

Please follow the the instructions displayed in the pictures above. This picture will not be published, it is only to check for us, that the competition entry is yours.

There has to be no pictures of your miniature on the internet, the day you enter the competition. Work in progress stuff excluded. You'll get an confirmation mail from us, that your contribution is in the contest. After that, you'll be free to show it if you like. If you deviate from this rules, keep in mind we will probably exclude your contribution from the contest.

Everybody can compete, except the Vinci Team.


You already know our Golden Vinci Trophy by now, we believe. But we'll show them here anyways :)

Please help us to spread the word, no matter if it's on your own blog or Facebook or whatever, so we can reach as many Painters/Modellers as possible.

And if you like, we would be proud if you use this banner:

We are already excited to see your contribution for this year.

Cordially greetings,

The Vincis