
Rise of the Stormwalls - die Stormwalls kommen

Hello fellow miniatures geeks - 2 weeks ago my Stormwalls hit the Seetroll our local shop for Games and Comics.

Yesterday Manuel checked the statistics of dieVincis blog and there are lots of readers from all over the world, which still is really amazing to me. So I'll search my brain for my school english and try to write my posts more often in two languages. As I said before, I won´t exactly translate what I write, so my fellow germans have to read the english part as well ;-)

And here they are: You may wonder why in Cyriss name I purchased 2 of them. Well first of all I like the model so much, that I'll go for two different paint jobs on them. One the classical way like on the cover and the other - Cygnar blue as well - but with different contrast color - maybe, I'm not so sure right know. Second, according to the rules, You can field 2 of them, which yells for a huge and impressive game report in the future.

Hier sind sie nun, meine beiden Stormwall Colossals für meine Cygnar Armee. Sicherlich werdet Ihr Euch nun fragen: "Warum, bei Cyriss, denn zwei?" Nun ja: 1. finde ich das Modell so genial, daher möchte ich sie unterschiedlich bemalen und 2. kann man laut der Regeln tatsächlich zwei einsetzen. 

The leg is really colossal:

And the assembled colossal really big - not as colossal as I expected but in comparison to the other models I'm very pleased with the size.

Wie man so schön sagt - size matters - hier ist das beste Beispiel dafür.

The torso is not glued to the hip section. I thought it would be difficult to paint the big guy in whole.

Also, dieses mal kein ausführliches Review, doch ein paar Worte mag ich noch zur Qualität des Stormwall sagen. Für mich sieht es so aus, als ob Privateer den Gusstandard beim Plastikresin stark verbessert hat. Bei meinem Strider hatte ich ja wirklich Pech. Beide Stormwalls haben nur ganz feine Gussgrate, die man sehr schnell mit feinem Schmirgelpapier entfernt hat. Die Teile passen ausgesprochen gut zusamme, nirgends muss man mit Modelliermasse arbeiten. Falls Ihr Euch anschauen wollt wie der Bausatz ausschaut, bei den Beasts of War gibt es ein ganz ausführliches Video dazu.

More pictures next time and no detailed review here, cause there are a lot of good ones out there in the web. For example on the Beasts of War website. But some words to the model itself: Privateer - for my models speaking - improved the quality of the plastic-resin really a lot. Some fine mouldlines could be sanded away easily and all the parts fit together. For my second Stormwall I'll try a different pose, so stay tuned and always "paint like You've got a pair!"

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