
CrazyWenky is back as commission painter =)

Hey ho,

the last three years I have painted a lot of commission works. Complete armies or single charakter models.

But then I had to stop commissions for a while because I had too much projects. Online Shop, my little Tabletopstore, girlfriend, own projects and my main employment.

Now I bought a house and I have to give up my Tabletop store because it was a non profitable hobby all the time and I always lead it for my friends to give them a chance to play. But now I have to look about myself and so I quit this shop.

Sooo without a Tabletopstore I have time again for commission works.

Now it's time for you :-) when you have a commission or a project ask me and i will give you answer with an offer as soon as possible.

Here are some impressions about my works.

On Putty&Paint

Some commissions here on dieVincis

Cheers Manu

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